We bought a boat – a big boat. Strange Magic is a 1988, 37-foot motor yacht. At the time we bought her, she seemed like a bargain.  But our poor yacht had been abandoned for years and beaten senseless by multiple hurricanes. To say she was a fixer upper is an understatement.

We were in over our heads (nautically speaking). This was our first boat. We didn’t know diddly about boats or boat mechanics.. Boaters frequently ask us what our previous boat was and shake their heads when they find out that this was where we decided to start. We had no idea what a complicated thing a big marine vessel is. Or as the sailors say, we did not know the ropes (or how to tie them).

But here we are, six months later. We’ve now spent 23 of the last 25 three-day weekends on our boat. Every week, we conquer one or two of the 80+ projects (some small, some huge) that we identified after we bought her. It’s magical to see her slowly returning to the beautiful vessel she once was.

Remember when you decided to become an entrepreneur? The voyage ahead seemed so adventurous, so clear, so do-able. Now you may frequently feel like you are drowning. Trust me, I have felt that desperation, that hopelessness, that panic plenty of times about our boat and especially about my businesses.

But here is what happened after we bought the yacht. We formed an inner circle of amazing, knowledgeable, generous boat people – real boat people – dock masters, marina owners, boat mechanics, captains, and especially marina neighbors who live year round on their boats.

These good people have become our boating inner circle. Without their knowledge and willingness to share, we would have been sunk – literally. As a business owner, I have long depended on inner circles to guide and support me in my entrepreneurial journeys. My inner circles of like-minded experts and entrepreneurs have helped me overcome challenges and obstacles that I may never have overcome without them.

Being the captain of my businesses was often rough sailing (I’m riding a wave of metaphor!), but my inner circles have helped me chart courses that continue to inspire and educate me on my journey of success, happiness, and abundance.

In case you weren’t aware, you probably already have inner circles who are speaking in your ears. Family members, social circles, church groups, business relationships, for example. BUT ask yourself this:  What part of your inner circle did you form intentionally and which just seemed to happen? My advice to you is to darn well make sure your business inner circle is created intentionally.

Creating an effective inner circle can be challenging, but here are two initial recommendations: One, you don’t need a squad of cheerleaders – plenty of them, often masquerading as coaches, are willing to take your money to blow smoke up your bilge (ha ha, too far?). And you don’t need naysayers, like your cousin Bart, who lost it all trying to start an online chia pet store.

You need an effective inner circle. It’s too hard to be alone in your business as you navigate the high seas of entrepreneurship. Even if your entrepreneurial vessel is seaworthy, without a crew, she’s bound to run aground. (I hope you’ve enjoyed this nautical analogy because I’ve got lots more!)

Now back to the good ship Strange Magic. It’s an apt name because with the help of our boating inner circle, we’ve gained magical insight and knowledge and seen magical changes take place that we never would have realized without them.

Beth Strange Strategy’s Inner Circle is a select group of entrepreneurial spirits who have joined together to require accountability, provide support, foster growth, challenge and focus each other, supply or point the way to needed resources, and offer each other their business experience and expertise in order to help you make your business a success. Novices and seasoned entrepreneurs, each has much to offer and much to learn on the way to abundance.


Through our strategic work together, I provide extraordinary, unprecedented programs for you.  Message me directly at [email protected], and let’s talk about the idyllically abundant life that’s waiting for you.


How to Define and Get What You REALLY Want without Wasting Time, Energy, and Money
DATE:  Tuesday, 25 August 2020
TIME:  7:00pm Eastern, 4:00pm Pacific


To Your Abundance,

Beth Strange