Among the 30 jaw-droppingly beautiful sailboats in our marina is one very sad, crusty, dilapidated old sailboat that no sane person would dare launch into deep, open waters. At one time this boat was at the top of her game: sleek, shiny, and proficient. In the elite percent in her vessel category. At some point, her owner became overwhelmed, distracted, and eventually disinterested in caring for her. So she stagnated, then began to deteriorate. Now, many sailors question whether she’s salvageable.
It’s hard to stay at the top; it takes constant attention and a passion for excellence. Isn’t that the way it is with careers, relationships, heath, and goals? They stagnate and deteriorate unless they receive constant, consistent attention coupled with a drive to achieve and maintain a life of abundance.
Reaching highest levels is challenging. Being satisfied at the top, even more so. High and elite levels can produce both exhilaration and boredom. Camaraderie and loneliness. Obviously, if you are stuck or feel as though you’re losing ground, you need a new way of thinking and doing. And even if you feel secure at the top, you’ll need to constantly fuel your fire that got you there with new ways of thinking and doing. Real progression requires taking risks and stepping courageously into the unknown. Frequently there are enormous rewards along with debilitating challenges. And there are definitely no cookie cutter solutions.
Over the past decades, I’ve served and strategized successfully with high-achieving corporate professionals, award-winning media personalities, elite-level luxury industry executives, groundbreaking entrepreneurs, top-tier athletes, and other high-profile individuals to identify their roadblocks, implement strategy, and help them break through to exponentially higher levels. People who are in the top of the top percentages in their fields.
Many high and elite performers complain that, although they have achieved success, they find that among other things
- They have no one with whom to share their thoughts and ideas
- They are lonely or alone at the top
- They are the only thinking brain
- They aren’t being challenged in their current position
- They have hit a glass ceiling
- They are losing their energy
- Their personal and/or professional relationships are suffering
- They are succeeding but still feel out of control
- They know they have much more inside them
- Despite working harder than anyone, they still suffer from Imposter Syndrome
I’ve created the 9 Elite Percent (9EP) Mastermind for 9 high and elite level performers who are–or on the cusp of–performing in top percentiles. Who are seeking what they are currently not getting, the something that’s missing in their professional or personal pursuits. 9EP is an invitation-only, membership-by-application Mastermind limited to 9 high and elite performers. 9EP is for high and elite performers who are near or at top levels and who don’t see the top as a stationary destination.
What’s inside 9EP that YOU need?
- Personal and professional high-performance strategy 4 times monthly in a mastermind setting where I serve as leading strategist and mastermind director
- Other top-level achievers committed to breaking through and helping each other break through the ceiling that’s keeping them down, the fog that’s clouding their vision, and the roadblocks that are hedging up their way
- An ongoing circle of like-minded, high-achieving peers to push/encourage/stretch you like never before to the next level on your adventures
- Focus on attaining an abundance of time, branding, money, relationships, respect, peace — however you define abundance and your goals and dreams you’re willing to put in the work to achieve
- The place to give and receive insights, experiences, and thought leadership at an extraordinary level
- Not just glimpses into, but structured direction toward, the actual abundance you crave
- A private social media community where you can learn from and connect with your 9EP peers at any time
- A yacht retreat where we’ll relax, work, and learn together while enjoying a slice of the abundance we deserve
To become a member of 9EP, you will apply, you will be interviewed, and you will be invited as fitting.
Membership into 9EP requires, at least, a 9-month commitment. You may renew as often as you like. As members leave the mastermind, waiting approved applicants will be admitted, always with a cap at 9 members.
9EP is not for people who can’t seem to find success; it is for the highly successful who know there is more they can accomplish, more they can feel, more ways they can serve, and more abundance to be achieved.
Members of 9EP are open, honest, respectful, diligent, and caring. You will ignite the 9EP community with your passion for abundance.
9EP may be right for you if
- You not only think outside the box, you don’t even acknowledge that there is a box.
- You have a vision so big that most people think it’s unattainable.
- You’re used to leading high performance teams that exceed expectations.
- You seem to think differently, more holistically, deeper, and broader than those around you.
- You think big, serve big, play big, love big, and dream big.
- You’ve paid your dues, made your share of mistakes, gotten back up, and proved everyone wrong.
- You aren’t afraid of challenges; in fact they energize and excite you to greater action.
- You want to surround yourself with people whose dreams and abilities are as big, or even bigger than your own.
- You know that real success has more to do with abundance in every area of your life than just with financial success.
In the 9EP Mastermind, I lead with my experience, credentials, and strategic skills, a group of high and elite performers who share their valuable insights and experience with each other. But 9EP is NOT right for everyone.
Please do not apply if
- You don’t believe you are capable of reaching a higher level.
- You aren’t willing to invest time and resources in yourself.
- You don’t believe I’m the right strategist for you.
- You aren’t committed to doing the work, bringing energy and brilliance to the group, and making your next level of abundance a reality.
Please contact me directly at [email protected] with any questions about 9EP. You may complete the APPLICATION to start your journey to higher levels of performance and toward achieving the professional and personal abundance you deserve.
To Your Abundance,
Beth Strange

Qualified Elite Level Strategy clients will be joining me for a 4-Day ELITE LEVEL INTENSIVE aboard a luxury yacht in the Florida Keys or other paradise location. You DO NOT want to miss this! Message me for details at [email protected] |
P.S. When you’re ready, below are some ways you can work with me to achieve ever higher levels of abundance. Please complete this Application to request an Initial Strategy Session
9EP, the Elite Percent Mastermind: If you are an elite-level performer and leader with new heights to achieve, you belong here with other extraordinary, good people who are performing at–or who are on the cusp of reaching–elite percent levels within their sphere. 9EP is for you if you are committed to exponentially increasing ABUNDANCE in your professional and personal life–abundance of time, money, satisfaction, relationships–however you define abundance. Limited to 9 Elite Percent Mastermind members and entered by this Application and invitation only, 9EP Mastermind requires a 9-month commitment.
Elite Performance Strategy: For service based entrepreneurs and elite performers. When you are ready to work with an expert Strategist to make the kind of exponential progress that would satisfy you and bring abundance into your business and your life. LET’S STRATEGIZE. I assist extraordinary entrepreneurs and elite performers like you to think and plan even bigger and overcome roadblocks to abundantly idyllic lives and businesses. I bring the experience, the training, the credentials and certifications, the scientific and strategic processes, and the expertise. You bring your ready willingness to try, to plan, to work, to change, to do, and to dream big, exciting, and fulfilling dreams. You will develop insights, breakthroughs, discoveries, and STRATEGIES. You will experience RESULTS. Together we will powerfully face and tackle your plateaus, your stress, your roadblocks, your overwhelm, your inferiority, your fears, your fatigue, your excuses. Abundance Strategy is NOT for the faint of heart. We will dive DEEP. We will work INTENSELY. We will strategize POWERFULLY. Apply here.
Elite Level Branding Package: This is an exclusive opportunity for global brand expert, Beth Strange, and her team to assist you with the initial definition of your Brand Identity. Define your brand, develop your logo, design your business cards and letterhead, build your website. All done for you! We make it easy and fast to Red-Carpet-Roll-Out your brand to the world.