It can be dark, uncertain, lonely, even fear ridden at the top. How many songs, novels, movies, and sermons have these attributes as their theme? Why?

Because our need to be connected with others is built into our DNA. As a strategist, I work with two of the categories of people who experience these feelings at an alarming rate: high performers and service-based experts.

Although loneliness, uncertainty, fear, and feelings of darkness occur for different reasons, the results are similar:

  • Feeling left out
  • Feeling out of synch with those around them
  • Feeling like everyone else is having more fun than they are
  • Feeling as though they are in danger of failure
  • Feeling that there is no one they can turn to or share with or get help from

No one should have to go it alone, primarily because it’s quite risky to be the only thinking brain when money and time are on the line.

I recently had a stark reminder that I need to take my own advice about not going it alone.

One day last week, after my before-sunrise walk, I decided to go out and sit on the flybridge of our yacht and watch the sun come up over the water. The weather was glorious, it was quiet, and the boat was rocking gently. There was a nice, healthy breeze blowing from starboard, which meant that it was blowing our vessel away from the dock.

When I was ready to leave my nautical paradise and re-enter the real world, I thought about calling my husband to come out and help me get off the boat, but he was already at work, and I’ve been climbing on and off the boat for the past year.

I decided to go it alone.

Because of the odd makeup of our current dock, slip, and lower triangular finger pier, combined with the absence of the new swim platform and ladder that we’re waiting to have installed, some skill is required to come aboard and disembark.

The way I get off is to have Michael stand on the lower pier, pull on one of the lines until the boat moves over near the pier, then quickly jump backward off of the boat (from red arrow point in photo) onto the yacht access steps, then walk down the access steps onto the pier and take the dock steps back up onto the dock.

She’s a relatively large vessel, so when I make that last leap backward onto the access steps, I’m still about 10 feet above the water.

Because I was alone that eventful day, I pulled the boat over closer to the pier, and while holding onto the boat with both hands, managed to stretch to get one foot close to the access steps, when the boat quickly started drifting away from the pier.

There I was, my hands on the boat, my weight shifted onto the one foot barely reaching the access steps, while I quickly stretched out horizontally with each passing second.

Hanging on desperately, my last words were, “I CANNOT fall off this boat.”

But I could. And I did.

The water in the Pamlico is what we call black water.  It’s really a brownish-black — kind of like a sea of dark chocolate. My foot slipped from the steps first, so I hit the water feet first.

Because the sun was just coming up, and because of the height from which I fell, I plunged so far beneath the surface that all I could see at first was blackness.

When I looked up, I could barely see the dim sunrise light above me. I was wearing my running shoes (and my music/headphones), and although I’m a former lifeguard and a strong swimmer, I felt a slight tinge of panic as I clawed my way to the surface.

That particular morning, the water was down, which means that the pier and dock were up. Way up.  I barely managed to hook my fingers on the pier with my arms stretched out as far as they would go above my head. I quickly determined that I could not pull myself up. I’ve never done a pull up in my life, let alone out of water with walking clothes and sneakers on.

Because of the early morning hour, the docks were empty.  No early-bird boaters out to help me.

I looked around and could not see anything that I could get a footing on to help me climb out of the water. Just a lot of dock high above my head and plenty of slippery pilings offering no foot or hand hold.

I considered swimming over to one of the boat lifts I could see, but their lowest metal pieces were still well above my head.

It never occurred to me to swim to shore (although I could have), first because I couldn’t even see the shore, and second because the distance from our boat to shore is about 150 yards. And mostly because, I hadn’t begun thinking rationally yet.

After what seemed like forever, my perception that there was no easy way out was giving serious thought to taking over this situation, when under the pier in another slip I saw a glimpse of metal.

I had never paid attention to the ladders spaced sporadically around the docks — probably installed for folks who fall off their boats. I had to swim back under the black water and under the spider-web-laden pier and dock.  That was not pleasant, but at least I had found a way out.

I was relieved to be out of the water but humiliated and drenched. I smelled like an ocean rat and looked like one too. Then there was the walk of shame back to our house.  Still, I passed no one.

So what did my husband say when I got home? “Why didn’t you call me! You should NEVER have tried that alone!” Smart aleck. But he was right.

I should not have gone it alone. 

At best, I learned many lessons.  At worst, I could have easily hit my head on the way down and knocked myself unconscious, alone, into a depth of black water. That would not have turned out well.

I should NOT have gone it alone.

And in so many circumstances, neither should you.

That’s why I’m here  That’s why I serve as a strategist. So that you don’t have to go it alone.

Whether it’s high performance strategy, business/entrepreneurial strategy, or branding strategy, I offer decades of experience, education, credentials, and my zones of genius in serving extraordinary, good people, while helping them navigate treacherous challengessave time and money, and create the lives and professions of abundance they deserve.

When you are ready to create your abundant life, it’s time to ask and answer:

What do you actually, truly want?

Where are you lacking abundance? 

Where are you taking joy in abundance?

However we define it, we all want an abundant life. The truth is that abundance is within reach for all of us. That’s what motivates me as a strategist: helping people reach new levels of abundance, however they define it.

Message me for more information on the ways you can work with me to achieve ever higher levels of performance and abundance in your life.

To Your Abundance,

Beth Strange


P.S.  When you’re ready, below are some ways you can work with me to achieve ever higher levels of abundance.  Please complete this Application to request an Initial Abundance Strategy Session

The Abundance Project: If you are an abundance seeker with new heights to achieve, you belong here with other extraordinary, good people in a high-level mastermind setting where you will work with me as your expert Strategist and The Abundance Project mastermind members to assist you as you define, create, and execute the strategic projects that will bring abundance into your business and your life. The Abundance Project is for you if you are ready and committed to exponentially increasing ABUNDANCE in your professional and personal life–abundance of time, money, opportunities, satisfaction, relationships–however you define abundance.  Entered by this Application  and invitation, The Abundance Project requires a 9-month commitment.

Abundance Performance Strategy:  For abundance-seeking professionals, service-based entrepreneurs, and top performers.  When you are ready to work with an expert Strategist to make the kind of exponential progress that would satisfy you and bring abundance into your business and your life.  LET’S STRATEGIZE.  I assist extraordinary professionals, entrepreneurs, and abundance performers like you to think and plan even bigger and overcome roadblocks to abundantly idyllic lives and businesses.  I bring the experience, the training, the credentials and certifications, the scientific and strategic processes, and the expertise.  You bring your ready willingness to try, to plan, to work, to change, to do, and to dream big, exciting, and fulfilling dreams.  You will develop insights, breakthroughs, discoveries, and STRATEGIES. You will experience RESULTS.  Together we will powerfully face and tackle your plateaus, your stress, your roadblocks, your overwhelm, your inferiority, your fears, your fatigue, your excuses. Abundance Strategy is NOT for the faint of heart. We will dive DEEP. We will work INTENSELY. We will strategize POWERFULLY.  Apply here.

Abundance Level Branding Package: This is an exclusive opportunity for global brand expert, Beth Strange, and her team to assist you with the initial definition of your Brand Identity. Define your brand, develop your logo, design your business cards and letterhead, build your website. All done for you! We make it easy and fast to Red-Carpet-Roll-Out your brand to the world.